Sunday, February 8, 2009

Some Basic Concepts

Here are some basic principles to keep in mind when formulating your path. Remember, you don't need to encompass all these ideas, but this is a good outline of what most who walk the Christian Pagan path believe.

  • The One is the creator of the Universe.

  • Nature (which includes humans and therefore Jesus) is the manifestation of The One in physical form.

  • The Holy Spirit is felt as feminine and the energy of this Spirit is possessed by all.

  • The One is both male and female, yet genderless. Goddess and God are but reflections of The One.

  • Good and evil exist, but these are our interpretations of given situations. The One exists in this Duality and keeps it in check.

  • The One is above the world and in the world; can be found in nature, yet is above nature. We exist as part of The One and The One exists in us.

  • Belief in unseen Spiritual beings that can aid and assist us. These beings appear as appropriate to those who call upon them.

  • Each day is Holy. Certain days are set aside for higher regard and celebration such as: Sabbats, Holidays, Esabats, and other days set aside for worship.

  • Ritual practices are as unique as the individual and can contain a mix and match from all walks of faith, so long as those who are participating are comfortable.

  • Worshiping and praying are not the same thing. Worship is honoring The One through the Goddess and God. Prayer is requesting assistance in some matter.

  • Daily private prayer, meditation, and devotions are encouraged. Sacred Rituals in private or small groups is also desirable. When possible, experiencing the Sabbats and Esabats with a small group or family is preferred.

  • Prayer is magic without the props.

  • Acknowledge that The One has loosely set the pattern for our lives and through our own free will, we can affect this pattern. Use the gift of free will wisely and learn to accept Karma's lessons.

  • Belief that what ever you sow, you reap. If you send out positive energy, you will get it back. The same goes for negative energy.

  • Sacrifices occur naturally as a result of making decisions that are essential for spiritual growth and learning. Giving up something that is physical or mental can help you become more aware of your own spirituality, but it won't bring you closer to The One. Only love can do that.

  • Belief in life after death and that we may return to the mortal world through anther body. We do this to so that we can continue to learn lessons on earth. We can do this as many times as we choose. Then, when satisfied, we judge ourselves according to our understanding of The One, whom we are a part of. Heaven and Hell are of our own making.

These are but concepts and should not be taken as a creed. Most but not all I personally believe in. Remember, it is your walk with The One. No one can tell you what path to take.

(Most if not all these concepts were adapted from an article found on the MSN Christian Craft E-Group. As MSN is abandoning it's E-Group program, any infomation on who I can credit as a source of thise article will be greatly appreciated.)

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Last modified: 12 Jan 2009, 13:47