Sunday, January 11, 2009


Welcome to what I hope will be an exciting experience for everyone who comes here. To begin with, this blog will be updated weekly. As interest gains, as I hope it will, it may be published more often then that.

In the first few posts, it is my hope to explain the basics of what is thought of as Christian Paganism. One thing needs to be kept in mind: the concept cannot be defined precisely, because that would create the impression of someting set, regid, and established. But this is not the case, as with every other faith, each who practices Christo-Paganism will have their own ideas of what should or should not be done.

On the lefthand side of the blog I have included some links to websites that share other people's experiences in the walking between the two worlds of Christianity and Neo-Paganism. Please feel free to e-mail me more links if you know of them.

With that, let's establish the next few posts....

1) What the heck is Christian Paganism?

2) Some Needed Concepts.

3) Frequently Asked Questions Answered!

Again, welcome. It is my hope that this blog will enlighten and help you in your understanding of what Christian Paganism has come to be. I encourage you to comment often on these posts; all comments will be read and responded to.

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Last modified: 12 Jan 2009, 13:47